
Definition: The disjoint-set data structure is a data structure that is used to determine the set to which an element belongs. Problem: Take the following example: A is with B, C is with D, E is with F, F is with C, G is with B. What’s the minimum number of sets to fit all the elements? Are A and D in the same set? Solution: Of course, we can use multiple linked lists to solve this. [Read More]

Segment Tree

DISCLAIMER: I AM A TERRIBLE PROGRAMMER SO DO NOT TAKE THINGS I SAY SERIOUSLY. I KNOW ABUSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. MY BLOG IS JUST A PLACE FOR ME TO REFLECT. Definition The segment tree, is a data structure used for storing information about intervals or segments. It allows efficient altering of interval’s or segments’s information, querying about information on intervals or segments. In this blog I will keep it to intervals, the only reason of this is I only learnt about the interval part. [Read More]

First-Time: IOS App

Before Everything Else: Now a college student, I need a way to manage all my classes somehow. Of course, there’s the built-in calendar app that can do that, but I think we all know how difficult and frustrating it is to put all classes into the calendar app. I wanted to make my own. Swift and Swift UI: Naturally, apple expects you to build app using Swift and Swift UI. Swift UI is a powerful framework used to build app for ios, watch os, ipad os and mac os, etc. [Read More]
ios  app  swift 

Use Ollama with Godot

Intro to Ollama: I found a open source project: ollama by jmorganca. Github page:Ollama. Ollama lets you host language models and open up endpoints for other programs to use. The models are mainly open-sourced models like llama2 from Meta AI. Now all open-ai-privately-owns-its-models-for-profits nonsense aside, this got me very excited. Imagine a game where every NPC is able to produce dialogs by themselves, and we’re able to have a real conversation with them. [Read More]

First-Time: Neural Network(overview)

Before Everything Else: So one day, out of no where, I got thinking: How does a language model generate texts? I searched, and found a neural network course by Andrej Karpathy. Immediately I dived in. Structure/History: The different stages of neural networks are the following: Bigram (one character predicts the next one with a lookup table of counts) MLP, following Bengio et al. 2003 CNN, following DeepMind WaveNet 2016 RNN, following Mikolov et al. [Read More]

Dynamic WebPage

Before Everything Else: Remember how last time I promised to update once I learn more? It turned out that the web design contest has two groups: static, and dynamic. I wanted to try do a dynamic website, and oh boy was it a lot to unpack. Static and Dynamic? According to wikipedia, static web page is a web page that is delivered to a web browser exactly as stored, displays the same information for all user, and often stored in a . [Read More]

First-Time: WebPage Design

Before Everything Else: College just started. During one of the tours of the school, I found that there’s a Web-Design contest to be held by our school. Although I don’t have the first clue of writing html and css and javascript, I still wanted to go and try. There would also be sophomore, junior and senior students participate, but apparently as a freshman I can get bonus score so I would still have a chance. [Read More]
HTML  Web  CSS  Design 

First-Time: Minecraft Plugin

Before Everything Else: A week ago, a friend of mine was planning to set up a minecraft server. I got excited, since I have a spare RaspberryPi 4 with 8 gigs of ram ready to be put to use. But with a 32-bit os, it wasn’t really fit for the job. So I started to use my old laptop. I installed pop!_os, downloaded java 17, and after some research, set up a papermc server. [Read More]

My First Blog

Creating a Post

This is my first blog. This post acts as a test for the site. I would write more blogs, if possible.

A simple line code: let a = 5;

A simple code block:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    return 0;